This recipe is very, very easy and after reading the study from the University of Seville, you will want to start your selfcare routine with this super-antioxidant juice.
Let's go!
- 1/2 aloe vera leaf or a whole one (depending on size)
- One or two apples (depending on size)
- ViTeamins Infusion 01
- 1/2 cucumber
It's as simple as making your daily infusion of ViTeamins 01 (2 grams) with 200 ml of water and letting it infuse while it cools down.
Now it's time to ideally cold press or blend the peeled Aloe Vera leaf, the apple (without seeds) and the 1/2 cucumber.
Mix the smoothie with the chilled infusion and drink. If you fancy it sweeter you can add more apple next time.
The best recipe to start the day in a super healthy way.